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Results for "sympathetic joy"
Sympathetic joy Sympathetic joy
Enough Happiness to Go Around Unique insight on practicing sympathetic joy.
Sympathetic Joy as a Spiritual Gift I’ve discovered a new word and I want to share it with you. It’s called midding. Here’s the definition as found in John Koenig’s Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows: midding v. intr. feeling t…
Learning to share in the joy of others Learning to share in the joy of others
Taking pleasure in the pleasure of others. Taking pleasure in the pleasure of others.
Dwelling in Grateful Joy A practice of gratitude that allows you to acknowledge all that has supported you.
We react as though good fortune were a limited commodity We react as though good fortune were a limited commodity
This Joy Is Mine Also Replacing your "What about me?" way of thinking.
The Gentle Smile Reflects upon the search for wholeness.
Bearing Witness Opening to both painful and joyful events.